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Categories: Painting, Sculpture
Carmel Choron
2024 Venue(s): Rollington Barn
Contact Information:
07889 080702

Artist’s Statement:
“I have been lucky to have had access to so many mediums at both Exeter degree, St Martins/Central postgrad. Where I live and the access to materials give me the mediums I use. Our space in the universe and the interaction with all things from the tiniest stone to the biggest concept+my emotions=my work. All manner of life…Might not be obvious though!
Working with plaster, sculptures, renovation/decoration, Bronze, personal work and in foundry preparing waxes,carving wood, working lead, sculpturally and on roofs. Painting using Chalk pastels, oils, pigment, cloth, whatever comes to hand. Drawing, allways drawing, gold leaf ceramics, casting mixed metals and lead.
When I had no materials I grew willow and wove old ladies and witches, viking boat and a yurt. Sculpted the land created a mandala, Singing stones, large crystal rocks working with the land and water and plantings.Trees, fruit, medicinal, archtectural, homely. Planting hundres of trees.
I am lucky to have had and to continue to have such a rich and varied life.”