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Trusts, Foundations & Businesses
We gratefully acknowledge support from the following, including several who prefer to remain anonymous:
Thank you also to all the local businesses who have advertised with us.
Thanks to our Trustees & Volunteers
We value all who are members of our charitable company and especially those who serve as our Trustees,
sit on our various working groups and/or help out on the day. We rely on volunteers and remain rooted in our local communities. If you would like to help us in any way, please do get in contact with our volunteers at any of our events. We are a community-based organisation serving people in Purbeck.
Charlotte Heath – Chair, Publicity
Debbie Evans – Partnerships and Outreach
Emma-Louise Grinsted – Website, Applications, Membership
Joan Ingarfield – Treasurer
Emma Ormond – Events Coordinator, Friends
Nick Salt – Business Relations, Fundraising
Sheila Marsh – Finance
PAW Team:
Jo Colvile – PAW Administrator & Secretary
Hannah Ely – Director of Music
Laurel Hart – Director of Strategic Communications, Fundraising
Sophie Jenkins – Purbeck Young Artists Coordinator
Louise Leffler – Graphic Designer
Sebastian McEwen – Rollington Manager
Jonathan Easterbrooke – Signage Coordinator
Anne Easterbrooke – Brochure Distribution
Tim Arnold, Penny Barker, Richard and Sandra Brown, Jay Buckle, Margaret Burdett, Annie Campbell, Jonathan Easterbrooke, Mike and Rhiannon Eland, John and Sabine Fairhall, Charlotte Fereday, Peter and Debbie Handy, Jack Haworth, Mary Haysom, Sue Haysom, Richard Jeffries, Jan Sayers, Maurice Turner, Douglas Tweddle, and all those who help with stewarding, distributing our publicity and setting up Rollington Barn.
We have for many years reached out to young people and, with support from a range of valued funders, run workshops in many schools across Purbeck.
Our young people benefit from the experience of our artists who lead these workshops and the opportunity to be creative, innovative and have fun! We will be celebrating their achievements in particular at our central exhibition area at Rollington Barn, near Corfe Castle. We are also a partner with the Swanage & Purbeck Rotary and the charity Purbeck Youth Music (PYM), which incorporates the Purbeck Instrument Loan Scheme (PILS), which aims to inspire and encourage more young people to make music www.purbeckyouthmusic.org
The Friends and Supporters of the PAW Festival
We gratefully acknowledge support from the following Friends and supporters of the Festival (several prefer to remain anonymous):
Susan Adams, John Allcock, Geoff and Sue Allen, Stuart Archer, Mrs Andrew Bailey, Rex Bale, Richard and Susie Bond, Ginette and Andy Boyd, Richard and Sandra Brown, Jay Buckle, Margaret Burdett, Claire and Ted Carroll, Drs Paul and Linda Cartwright, John Challis, Neil Chapman-Blench, Susie Clark, Christopher Clarke, Hugh and Lucy Cocke, Mike and Nell Compton, Kate Cotton, John and Gillie Coverdale, Shelley Cranshaw, Stephen Dru-Drury, Nick and Joanna Dunn, Anne and Jonathan Easterbrooke, Mike and Rhiannon Eland, Barbara Esam, Debbie and Jonathan Evans, John and Sabine Fairhall, James Farnham, Daryl Fielding and Roderick Watt, Jim Fitzgerald, Miranda Fulleylove, James and Arabella Gaggero, Mark and Claire Gearing, Richard and Rosemary Gledhill, Jane Glyn Davies, Peter Golob, Rosemary Gould, Rebecca Granger, Martyn and Angela Harris, Sue Haysom, Norman Hayward and Jacky, Charlotte Heath, Roger Higgins, Rosemary and Tim Hill, Don and Yvonne Hunter, Steve and Sue Hutchings, Sue Inge, Peter Jackson, Rachel James, Aline and James Johnson, Chris Johnson, Brian and Sheila Jolly, Vin Kaluza, Moira Laffey, Mari Larthe de Langladure, Rachel Lawton, Laura Leach,Liz Lefevre, the Lloyd family, Virginia Lynch, Jim and Margaret McAllister, Peter and Sue Morrison-Wells, Mary V Mullin, Angela Myerscough, Sue and Gerry O’Brien, Emma Ormond and Douglas Tweddle, Simon and Meriel Parvin, Joanna Penley, Joanna Percy, Steve and Gabrielle Peskin, Nicholas and Christylle Phillips, Lynn Power and Ian Clowes, Bill and Moira Purver, Mike and Jill Ross, Douglas and Sarah Ryder, Jan Sayers, Susannah and Bruce Selby Bennett, Alan Shrimpton, Adam and Carol Shutkever, Gill Sibthorp, Tony Smith, Tom and Ceridwen Sooke, Eric and Virginia Stobart, Giles and Sandra Sturdy, Jessica and Robin Sutcliffe, Howard and Lindsay Swanton, Sally Tattersall, Howard and Dilys Thomas, Graham and Geraldine van Tuyl, Ian and Lynn Vaughan-Arbuckle, Andrew and Beth White, Sue White, David and Linda Whitehouse, John and Gill Wood, Andrew Wright, Anne and Les Wright, the Wynn-Evans family, Sarah Yeung.
By joining the Friends you will help us:
- Maintain a quality Festival and attract international artists, some of whom run workshops and give talks that inform and encourage others
- Keep ticket prices low; young people can come to most of our events for just £2
- Encourage all artists of all capabilities across our communities to work together
We keep Friends informed of our plans and send Newsletters so you can plan in advance. We also offer Friends advance notice and priority booking for events likely to sell out, such as the recital at Encombe House, and we invite you to special events, such as our winter programme of Chamber Music in Purbeck Homes.