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Categories: Drawing
2024 Venue(s): Rollington Barn
Contact Information:
07886 479715

Artist’s Statement:
“Andy has been a PAW artist since 2017, self taught and keen to share the concept of art for fun. He started drawing in 2015 as a mindfulness activity to switch off from his career at the time. Since 2017 he started AndyKnillArt and in September 2021 he moved into a solo studio/ shop AndyKnillArt Studio.
Andy draws with fineliner pens and markers (ProMarker and Posca). Since PAW 2023 he has extended his portfolio through the ‘Flooding Swanage with Art’ community art project on the flood blocks on Swanage seafront – hand drawing 16.45 x 0.75 metres of art was a learning curve.
Distinctive as a local character, Andy is known for his hand drawn boiler suits (since 2018)and hand drawn pith helmets (since 2020). His PAW 2024 art exhibit will include some of these items for the 3rd consecutive year.
Always keen to help others to try drawing Andy runs a free ‘Art for Fun’ activity at his studio year round and to date has hosted over 2500 individual sessions – come and have a go.”